
You have found Loesje's app space!

Poster Spotter
Here you can find Loesje's Poster Spotter! Use it to put the posters
you stuck on the map, or find where other people have put posters in public space!
The app works best when installed on your phone:
1. Go to the Poster Spotter with your phone's browser
2. In your browser's menu, choose "Add to home screen"
This will automatically install the app!

Loesje Netherlands poster archive
Loesje Netherlands has her poster archive as app. To install it, go here and follow the same instructions.

Loesje's apps use cookies and similar technologies to store your preferences. The
apps do not gather information about users other than data strictly necessary for the
apps to funcion. Installing and/or using Loesje's apps implies that you agree with her
cookie policy.